Monday, October 13, 2014

October Lincoln Spotlight Book

The October Lincoln Spotlight Book at ERHS is "Swim the Fly", by Don Calame. The book is about a boy named Matt and his two friends, Coop and Sean, who are members of their town's summer swim team. None of the boys are very good swimmers, but this does not prevent them from being part of the team. However, it may explain much of the mischief they get into during the summer. A link to this book is below.

Matt Powell is a biology teacher at ERHS, and he is also the coach of the Olney Tiger Sharks swim team in the summer. Mr. Powell conducted a book talk about "Swim the Fly" for interested students. As part of our effort to promote the reading of Lincoln Award Books, we have a spotlight book each month, highlighted by a book talk by someone at ERHS.

Mr. Powell was a great choice for this book, and many of his current and former Tiger Shark swimmers attended the book talk.